
The Beatles 1st Ed Sullivan Show Feb.9,1963

The Beatles' Million Sellers EPImage by Marxchivist via Flickr

Hi Def Ed Sullivan / Beatles I Want To Hold Your Hand Feb 9 & 23 side by side.

On Feb 9, 1964 The Beatles Performed I Want To Hold Your Hand two times for Broadcast.
 At around 4:30pm they taped the song, to be shown Feb 23, 1964.
 On the 8:00pm Broadcast, they sang it again LIVE on the Ed Sullivan Show

Here the two videos are shown side by side. 
Left Audio isFeb 9th, Right Audio is Feb 23rd.
 Some slight editing was done to keep them in sync.
 Less than one second removed.

we were a young boy.

 this evening changed our lives.

this is not just a cliche. we had no way of knowing it then,
but these four lads with their moppet hairstyle and their R&B
rockin' were giving us exactly what we needed: a way to
 remake our adolescent rebelliousness into a utopian vision
 of a better world.

we didn't know this, and the fab four probably didn't either.

but, with time it became an undeniable truth: the Beatles
 fueled the sixties and the short burst of progressive advances
 which followed.

and for this, February 9th 1964 on the Ed Sullivan Show
 remains a special memory.


see also The Beatles She Loves You "Live from CBS Studio 50" 


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